The beret originally looked like this on my head. It does have a certain je ne sais quoi, but it is windy here in Portland therefore such a style is tres impractical.
The journey begins.

Step 1: Hot water.

Step 2: Submerse and soak the beret in the hot water.

Step 3: Wring out the water from the beret. (Whether or not you choose to observe this step is really a matter of choice, but you're about to put the wet beret on your head, fyi.)

Step 4: Pull and shape the beret until it fits the way you desire it to. I did this with the beret on my head and off my head.
Leave it to dry and then wear your newly customized beret on cold days, preferably with cute outfits.
Tres chic! Maybe this is why berets have never fit me right.