We opted for the good stuff in terms of beer, though it is a staggering $8 for a 20 oz. pint, Drop Top Amber Ale is just so worth it fresh from the tap, plus there are no other options. There is coors and bud light. As I said, no other options. We forewent the nachos tonight because of a massive pre-game pizza and garlic bread binge but I highly recommend them. With the jalapenos of course. You'll be crying, but it's so good. We did, of course, get the requisite french fries, which are battered or seasoned in some way that makes them absolutely delectable. Add a healthy dose of mayonnaise on the side for dipping and you have yourself a taste treat! (No mayonnaise with french fries is not gross it is amazing, and anyone who has been to Belgium/eastern Europe knows that).

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